Friday, December 9, 2016

Cells R Us the Finale

This Thursday and Friday we are finishing our work on the Cells R Us project.  Here is an example of a finished write up, if you are not sure what to do.  

After students finish, they can begin their reflection piece.  It will be due next Wednesday!  Use the following sheet as your guide....reflection directions!

Monday, December 5, 2016

Cells R Us

December 20th and 21st

Today students worked on their Cells R Us projects.  The final product needs to have a written component explaining the analogy between the organelle and venue on the model.  The written piece also needs to explain how photosynthesis, cellular respiration, and cell transport happens in your model.  Final projects will need to be finished by Thursday and Friday of this week.  I will stay after school tomorrow until 5 pm for students that need extra time to work on their projects.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Cell R US

December 1st and 2nd

CW-Cells R US
HW-Project and answer questions #1,2, 4, and 6 on the 2.3 reading from yesterday

Today we worked on our CELLS R US project.  They are due next Monday or Tuesday by the end of class.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Functions of Cell Membranes

November 28th and 29th

CW:  functions of cell membranes
HW-bring in any supplies you need for your CELL R US project.

Today in class we started an experiment to investigate the functions of the cell membrane.  Here is the lab....Egg Lab. We will finish the experiment on Thursday and Friday.  For the rest of class we worked on our Cell R Us project.

p.s.  Many students are missing there photosynthesis/cellular respiration foldable.  Please turn it in!

Monday, November 14, 2016

Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration

November 7th-16th

We are continuing with our investigation of photosynthesis and cellular respiration.  Students are working on WISE .  When you log into the system your username will be first name last name and looks like this FionaR0703 and the password is one you chose.  If it does not work, you might need to click on "forgot password" and follow the prompts.  It has been acting funny.

CW:  investigate photosynthesis and cellular respiration
HW:  study organelles for re-quiz

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration

November 3rd (A day) and November 4th (B day)


1.  Write down your CW and HW in your planner.
            CW:  Photosynthesis
            HW:  Study Organelles if you got an N or S on quiz

2.  Chain note-  Have one person at your table write the following on a piece of paper.

What we know about photosynthesis? That person should answer the question in a COMPLETE SENTENCE.  Each student will add one COMPLETE SENTENCE to the chain note.  Make sure you read the previous sentences so that the next sentence makes sense.  Keep the note until later when it gets back to the first student.

3.  Watch, Where Do Tree Get Their Mass, by Veritaseum

4.  Sign back into WISE and begin the activity on photosynthesis and cellular respiration.  (20 min.)

5.  Look back at your chain note, highlight or star any idea that might have changed since working on WISE.  Add one more complete sentence as a table group and continue working with your clock buddy.

6.  Continue with WISE....when you get to 2.17 please come and get an experimental design sheet from Fiona.

7.  Look at the chain note again. Correct any ideas that were wrong and add one more complete sentence.  

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration


1.  Fill out planner:

              CW:  Clock Buddies + Sign into WISE
              HW:  If you got a N or S on your quiz, make flashcards of the eight organelles and STUDY!
                       Cell Membrane, Cell Wall, Nucleus, Mitochondria, Golgi Body, ribosome, chloroplast, 

2.  Fill out your clock buddy and glue to the inside cover of your science notebook.

3.  Go to WISE and create an account.  We will be using it in the next couple of days.  

4.  Tomorrow is the field trip for 1/2 of the 7th grade.  Make sure you come with pants and closed 
     toed shoes!

Organelle Quiz

October 31st (A day) and November 1st (B day)

1.  Write down CW and HW in your planner!
         CW:  Take Organelle Quiz and Finish Cells R Us Planning Sheet
         HW:  Finish Planning Sheet
2.  Get Cells R Us groups
3.  Go over the project and create a PLAN!  

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Organelle Round Up


1.  Fill in your planner.  CW- Organelle Round Up
     HW- quiz on Monday for A day and Tuesday for B day
              check out this website to study:  Sheppard's Software 

2.  Go around and look at the wanted posters.  Fill out the round up completely.  Turn into Fiona

3.  Finish the 4 questions from Wednesday's class, show to Fiona, and tape into your science

Plant vs. Animal Cells


1.  Write down your classwork (study organelles) and homework (study organelles for quiz Monday
     or Tuesday).

2.  Watch video on plant and animal cells and then look at prezi about ACE(ing) your answers.

3.  Begin to fill out plant and animal cell questions using the ACE strategy.

4.  Use these two sites to help you study for your quiz next Monday (A day) or Tuesday (B day):
     Sheppard's Cell Game
    Nobel Prize. Org

Monday, October 24, 2016

Organelle Poster

Today in class we are working on our wanted poster for organelles.   Please visit the organelle trail to make sure you have all information on your poster!

Your rubric should be paper clipped to your finished product!

Your homework is to begin memorizing the cell organelle location and jobs!  Do a little each night to remember the most information.

Your quiz will be NEXT Monday or Tuesday.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

The Organelle Trail Continued


1.  Write down your classwork and homework in your planner. 
     (CW:  organelle research   HW:  finish research)

2.  Take out your science notebook and write the following:
Before I leave the classroom today, I should have all my research written down/done. I plan to accomplish this by 10:50. If I do not get this done, I know that I will have homework tonight!"

4.  To help with research, you can use rewordify to help comprehend reading passages.  

3.  If you finish your research, start planning the layout of 
     your final project.  We will put the project together during 
     your next science class.  You may also start typing up the 
    different parts of your poster and/or find the picture you 
    want to use.  Remember, you can also draw your picture or 
    write the parts if your writing is neat.  

Organelle Trail


1.  Write down your CW and HW in your binder.  (CW-Start Organelle Trail; HW-Review Cell 

3.  Put research chart into your notebook.

4.  Get Partners and get to know each other:).

Monday, October 17, 2016

Introduction to the Cell

Today in science, we are beginning our cells unit.  


Part One

1.  Write down in your planner.  (CW:  Introduction to Cells and HW: Get Biogen release
     form signed) 
2.  Watch, Frank Gregorio's "Introduction to Cells"
3.  Complete Atoms and Cells  and discuss with partner at table.
4.  Discuss Project...Cells R Us 
5.  How can I develop a model that explains what cells are, what they are made of and how they
    work?  Your task as a table is to develop a list of "need to knows" and skills a team would need to       have to make the project successful.

Part Two

6.  In your notebook answer the following questions:
              a.  Who has cells?
              b.  Where do cells come from?
              c.  How do cells produce other cells?
              d.  Are cells alive?
              e.  What functions do cells perform that non-living things do not?

7.  Watch Lauren Royal Wood's Wacky History of Cell Theory and Mr. Tamez's Cell Theory song
8.  Write down three ideas in the cell theory
9.  Cell Sort....sort pictures into plant and animal groupings.  Create two rules and write them down in      your notebook.
10.  Bill Nye Video on Cells....write down three things you find interesting
11.  Exit ticket....use a post it to tell me one thing you did not know about cells, that you 
       learned today AND that you have documented in your notes.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Welcome to Quarter 2

Welcome back!  I hope you all had a wonderful and relaxing intercession.  I missed you.  Today in class you will get a permission slip for Biogen.  We will go in two groups to Biogen. One on Nov. 3rd and one on Nov. 15th from 8:45-12:30.

For classwork today, please sign on to your account and read the article, The Endocrine System.  You will answer the 3 review questions in complete sentences using the question in your answer.  Then go to (teen section) and look up the endocrine system.  Write down the glands and what they do in the body.  You do not have to write in complete sentences for this!

If you have time, you can read the article about endocrine disorders on your CK12 account.  This is an interesting article.  You do not have to answer any questions!

Permission Slips are due back tomorrow and Friday.

Please answer the following google survey for me.  I will use this to put you into your group for the field trip.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Multiples in the Womb

September 13th and 15th

Today in class students finished watching Multiples in the Womb.  We shared our birth stories with each other and wrote a paragraph on what we had learned from the documentary.  Students also wrote a paragraph about their academic goals for next quarter.  

HW:  None

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Multiples in the Womb

September 9th and 12th

Today in class we will watch, Multiples in the Womb by National Geographic.  As you watch, please jot down any facts or ideas that you find fascinating.  Your homework is to interview your Mom about your birth or adoption story.  Write a paragraph of what you discover.

HW:  interview and write about your birth/adoption story

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Pregnancy and Childbirth

September 6th and 8th


1.  Write down classwork-pregnancy and childbirth 
      and homework-finish classwork and thank your Mom for giving birth to you.

2.  Quiz on the Reproductive System

     For student in Block 1-A day use the code:  uqyzexx
     For student in Block 1-B day use the code: pa04v1
     For student in Block 3-A day use the code: noju6u1
     For student in Block 3-B day use the code: wnrf3x

4.  Finish the reading and questions.  The audio version of the reading is available here.  

Thursday, September 1, 2016

The Reproductive System

September 1st and 2nd

1.   Write down your homework and classwork.
2.  Take out your homework.
3.  The Reproductive System
4.  How to study for your quiz!
5.  Menstrual Cycle and Pregnancy
6.  Finish Vocabulary

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

The Reproductive System

August 30th and 31st

1.  Write down homework and classwork.  

2.  Turn in homework (cow eyeball dissection).

3.  Log into computer. 

4.     I’d like you to join my CK-12 class:   
        A day Block 1

        A day Block 2

       B day Block 1

       B day Block 2

5. Go to the assignments tab.   Read and answer questions in your science notebook.  Please write in 
    complete sentences using the question as part of your answer.  You only need to answer the review 
    questions at the end of  the male and female reproductive systems.  

6.  Start your homework.  For the female reproductive system fill out the names of the organs at 1,2,5,       and 9.  Colour code the name with the organ.  For example, if you write #1 in blue....colour the          organ blue in coloured pencil.  Do NOT use marker!  

     For the male reproductive system fill out 1, 4, 5, and 9.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Your 5 Senses

August 24th and 25th


1.  Write down your homework and classwork.

2.  Take out homework.  

3.  Share your paragraph with someone at your table. 

4.  Skin Sensitivity Test 

5.  Five senses foldable with descriptions

6.  Brainpop: Taste, Touch, Hearing, Smell, and Eyesight

7.  The Evolution of the Eyes

Monday, August 22, 2016

August 22nd and 23rd

1.  Write down your classwork and homework in your planner.
2.  Get out your homework-Neurologist Notebook #3.
3.  Get back notebook and bone growth paragraph.  Please put in notebook and add to TOC.
4.  Go over homework.  

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

The Child's Developing Brain

August 18th and 19th


1.  Write down our classwork and homework in your planner.
2.  Get out your science notebook and YOUR HOMEWORK!
3.  Complete the self-assessment individually and tape/glue into planner.  
4.  Let's look at your homework from last night....Neurologist Notebook #2
     then fill out the neurologist notebook #3 entry.  If you do not finish in class, please finish for 
9.  Make sure you turn in your science notebook to Fiona!  

Sunday, August 14, 2016

The Adolescent Brain

August 15th (A day) and 16th (B day)

Learning Targets: 

  • I can cite several pieces of text-based evidence to support an analysis of informational text. 
  • I can determine the meaning of unknown technical words.
  • I can explain the different parts of the brain and neuron.


Today we will continue to learn about the teenage brain. We will begin with a play that demonstrate the job of each part of the neuron.  Here are the definitions for each part of the neuron. We will also learn about the different parts of your brain.  This goes along with the diagram of the brain we put in our notebooks.  

Next we will begin the brain development anchor chart.  This will help track your learning of the adolescent brain.  Fill in what we have learned from the two articles we have already read: Teen and Decision Making: What Brain Science Reveals +