Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Welcome to Quarter 2

Welcome back!  I hope you all had a wonderful and relaxing intercession.  I missed you.  Today in class you will get a permission slip for Biogen.  We will go in two groups to Biogen. One on Nov. 3rd and one on Nov. 15th from 8:45-12:30.

For classwork today, please sign on to your account and read the article, The Endocrine System.  You will answer the 3 review questions in complete sentences using the question in your answer.  Then go to (teen section) and look up the endocrine system.  Write down the glands and what they do in the body.  You do not have to write in complete sentences for this!

If you have time, you can read the article about endocrine disorders on your CK12 account.  This is an interesting article.  You do not have to answer any questions!

Permission Slips are due back tomorrow and Friday.

Please answer the following google survey for me.  I will use this to put you into your group for the field trip.

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