Wednesday, October 19, 2016

The Organelle Trail Continued


1.  Write down your classwork and homework in your planner. 
     (CW:  organelle research   HW:  finish research)

2.  Take out your science notebook and write the following:
Before I leave the classroom today, I should have all my research written down/done. I plan to accomplish this by 10:50. If I do not get this done, I know that I will have homework tonight!"

4.  To help with research, you can use rewordify to help comprehend reading passages.  

3.  If you finish your research, start planning the layout of 
     your final project.  We will put the project together during 
     your next science class.  You may also start typing up the 
    different parts of your poster and/or find the picture you 
    want to use.  Remember, you can also draw your picture or 
    write the parts if your writing is neat.  

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