Monday, October 17, 2016

Introduction to the Cell

Today in science, we are beginning our cells unit.  


Part One

1.  Write down in your planner.  (CW:  Introduction to Cells and HW: Get Biogen release
     form signed) 
2.  Watch, Frank Gregorio's "Introduction to Cells"
3.  Complete Atoms and Cells  and discuss with partner at table.
4.  Discuss Project...Cells R Us 
5.  How can I develop a model that explains what cells are, what they are made of and how they
    work?  Your task as a table is to develop a list of "need to knows" and skills a team would need to       have to make the project successful.

Part Two

6.  In your notebook answer the following questions:
              a.  Who has cells?
              b.  Where do cells come from?
              c.  How do cells produce other cells?
              d.  Are cells alive?
              e.  What functions do cells perform that non-living things do not?

7.  Watch Lauren Royal Wood's Wacky History of Cell Theory and Mr. Tamez's Cell Theory song
8.  Write down three ideas in the cell theory
9.  Cell Sort....sort pictures into plant and animal groupings.  Create two rules and write them down in      your notebook.
10.  Bill Nye Video on Cells....write down three things you find interesting
11.  Exit ticket....use a post it to tell me one thing you did not know about cells, that you 
       learned today AND that you have documented in your notes.

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