Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Climate Change Take Home Test

May 3rd 2017

CW-Work on take home test.
HW-finish take home test

Today in class you will have time to work on your climate change test.  This is due on Thursday for A day students and Friday for B day students.  It needs to be in your neatest writing on a separate sheet of paper.  Please write in complete sentences.

Check list:

  • I have checked that all sentences begin with a capital letter and end with punctuation.
  • I have made sure to put each answer in my own words.
  • I have used details and examples to make sure the question is answered completely....when in doubt I have added extra detail.
  • I have made sure that none of my words are written in "text message" wording.  (ex. you and not u)
  • I have written on the lines and used the RED line as a margin!
You may use your notes and ask your classmates questions if you are having difficulty.  

If you finish earlier, turn in your test with a NAME on it to the substitute.  S/he will have another activity for you to complete about the roller coaster.  Behave and I will see you on Thursday.  xoxo

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