Tuesday, August 30, 2016

The Reproductive System

August 30th and 31st

1.  Write down homework and classwork.  

2.  Turn in homework (cow eyeball dissection).

3.  Log into computer. 

4.     I’d like you to join my CK-12 class:   
        A day Block 1

        A day Block 2

       B day Block 1

       B day Block 2

5. Go to the assignments tab.   Read and answer questions in your science notebook.  Please write in 
    complete sentences using the question as part of your answer.  You only need to answer the review 
    questions at the end of  the male and female reproductive systems.  

6.  Start your homework.  For the female reproductive system fill out the names of the organs at 1,2,5,       and 9.  Colour code the name with the organ.  For example, if you write #1 in blue....colour the          organ blue in coloured pencil.  Do NOT use marker!  

     For the male reproductive system fill out 1, 4, 5, and 9.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Your 5 Senses

August 24th and 25th


1.  Write down your homework and classwork.

2.  Take out homework.  

3.  Share your paragraph with someone at your table. 

4.  Skin Sensitivity Test 

5.  Five senses foldable with descriptions

6.  Brainpop: Taste, Touch, Hearing, Smell, and Eyesight

7.  The Evolution of the Eyes

Monday, August 22, 2016

August 22nd and 23rd

1.  Write down your classwork and homework in your planner.
2.  Get out your homework-Neurologist Notebook #3.
3.  Get back notebook and bone growth paragraph.  Please put in notebook and add to TOC.
4.  Go over homework.  

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

The Child's Developing Brain

August 18th and 19th


1.  Write down our classwork and homework in your planner.
2.  Get out your science notebook and YOUR HOMEWORK!
3.  Complete the self-assessment individually and tape/glue into planner.  
4.  Let's look at your homework from last night....Neurologist Notebook #2
     then fill out the neurologist notebook #3 entry.  If you do not finish in class, please finish for 
9.  Make sure you turn in your science notebook to Fiona!  

Sunday, August 14, 2016

The Adolescent Brain

August 15th (A day) and 16th (B day)

Learning Targets: 

  • I can cite several pieces of text-based evidence to support an analysis of informational text. 
  • I can determine the meaning of unknown technical words.
  • I can explain the different parts of the brain and neuron.


Today we will continue to learn about the teenage brain. We will begin with a play that demonstrate the job of each part of the neuron.  Here are the definitions for each part of the neuron. We will also learn about the different parts of your brain.  This goes along with the diagram of the brain we put in our notebooks.  

Next we will begin the brain development anchor chart.  This will help track your learning of the adolescent brain.  Fill in what we have learned from the two articles we have already read: Teen and Decision Making: What Brain Science Reveals +