Thursday, April 27, 2017

Google Survey

April 27th, 2017

Please fill out the following form for William Sutcliffe.  Overhunting

Today in class we will be working on your Ted talk for ELA.  Your rough draft is due by the end of the week!

CW:  Ted Talk Rough Draft
HW:  finish rough draft

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Climate Change Around the World

Image result for easter bunny cartoon

April 17th

CW:  Climate changes around the world
HW:  finish google slide presentation

Today in science we will finish our presentations on the google slides challenge and you will start your next challenge on a climate change topic.  Remember you need to go one level up on the challenge sheet.

We will watch the following video to get some better ideas about presenting information in google slides.

Fill out this reflection sheet before starting your classwork.  You will find the topics for climate change around the world here.  Every group of two needs to have a different topic! 

Monday, April 10, 2017

Happy Monday

April 10th

CW:  Google Slides/powerpoints

HW:  None

Today we will be working at perfecting our google slide and drive knowledge.  You will be working with a partner (that I give you).  Open the link below to start your challenge!

Skills Challenge for Google Slides

Global Warming and Climate Change


Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Welcome Back!

Write the following in your planner:

CW-Global Warming and Climate Change

Spring break went so fast, but I missed seeing all of your lovely faces!  Today we will be working on a virtual scavenger hunt about global warming and climate change.  We will being using google classroom again. Some of you still need to register to get into my classes.  The codes are as follows:

A day Block 1-uqyzexx

A day Block 2-noju6u1

B day Block 1-pa04v1

B day Block 2-wnrf3x

Go to google classrooms to register!  After registering, start the assignment-Climate Change Scavenger Hunt.