Sunday, March 5, 2017

Global Warming Wheel

March 6th and 7th

CW:  Global Warming
HW:  Electricity Use and Carbon Dioxide

Today in class you will make a global warming wheel.  The global warming wheel car id a hand-held tool that you can use to estimate your household's emissions of carbon dioxide and learn how to reduce them.   After making the wheel, we will do some practice questions to learn how to use the wheel. We will then finish our notes on global warming and climate change.  

I will collect your classwork and homework from last Thursday and Friday!

***Remember, any worksheets given out in class can be printed off by clicking on the links above (anything in purple)

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Layers of the Atmosphere

March 2nd and 3rd

CW: Layers of the Atmosphere
HW:  Layers Activity

Today in class we will learn more about the different layers of the atmosphere. You will begin with a short youtube video about the layers and then read a short passage giving more specifics about each layer.  We will then work to create a graph that plots the different temperatures at each layer.

After finishing that activity we will take some notes on the different gases that cause the greenhouse effect.  If you are looking for this part because you were absent, make sure that you start on the slide after day one.  Here is the guided notes that go along with the google slides.

For homework complete layers of the atmosphere activity.   You will need to use the graph we did in class and it might be helpful to look at this website on the atmosphere.

Global Warming and Climate Change Notes

March 1st.....the dreaded C day!  :)

Today in class students will take notes on the atmosphere and the greenhouse effect.    If you missed class, you can look at the google slides here.    They are divided into 3 days.  Make sure you just look at day one!

HW:  NONE...unless you need to turn in the bug project!  Remember to study for your re-test if needed!

Global Warming and Climate Change

Feb. 23rd and 24th

CW:  Global Warming/Climate Change
HW:  None....unless you have late work!

Today in class we are starting our unit on global warming and climate change. 

After we finish our introductory questions above, you will visit 9 stations.  You will have about 10 minutes at each station.  There are 2 "rest stations" where you can finish up work on stations that you did not have time to complete or work on late work or read.  

Lab Station Passport Sheet

Lab Stations

February 27th and 28th

Today students are finishing their lab stations from last Thursday and Friday. I will give them back their genetics test today.  They are not allowed to take them home because the test will be in their portfolio; however, anyone with an 80% or lower can retake it on Thursday and Friday of this week during recess.

HW:  None....unless you still have not turned in your bug, punnett squares, baby bug, and love story!