Thursday, February 23, 2017

Alien Bugs...a love story

Feb. 22nd

February 22nd

Today in class students will get the chance to craft a love story, starring their own alien bug.  Story should be at least 2 paragraph (that is the bare minimum).  Paragraphs should be at least 5 sentences and include the following vocabulary:

  • gamates
  • inherited traits
  • chromosomes
  • DNA
  • heterozygous/homozygous
  • heredity
  • phenotype
  • genotype
  • punnett square
  • probability
  • percentages
If you need ideas to help guide your story...CLICK HERE.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017


Feb. 21st

Due to the holiday yesterday,  "B" day class will practice using microscopes and making wet mount slides.  No homework.

Test Day

Feb. 16th and 17th

Test favourite:)!  After the test you will be given another person's bug to make a "baby" bug.  You will be required to make a punnett square on each trait and toss a coin to determine which allele the parent bug gives to the offspring.  Remember all bugs with a dominant trait must be heterozygous!

HW:  Finish baby bug by next Wed.

Alien Bugs

Feb. 15th

Today in class will will revisit the aliens again.  This time you will be creating an alien bug.  You can choose between a striped or polka dot body.  You will then pick the traits you want your alien bug to have....legs, mouth, stingers, wings and eyes.  Adding colour is recommended, but not required.

HW: Finish bug if not done by the end of class
Feb. 13th and 14th

Today we are going to review your study guide and then play kahoots.  Homework is to be ready for the test on Thursday or Friday!

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Study Guide

Feb. 9th and 10th

Today in class, we are going to work on the alien family pedigree.  Students will work out the children of Henrietta and Harold and Maude and Millard.  This will help you practice dominant, recessive, and incomplete dominance genes.  HW:  Study Guide for test Thursday and Friday of next week.

Wilbur and Wilma

February 8, 2017

Today in class we are going to make baby aliens for Wilbur and Wilma.  You will practice writing phenotypes and genotypes and flip coins to decide on the alleles for your baby alien.   For homework do another retrieval practice on one topic of genetics.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Wilbur and Wilma

February 6th and 7th

CW:  Phenotype and Genotype Practice
HW:  Retrieval Practice

Today in class we will review our homework, Amoeba Sisters Meiosis. Students will then complete Wilbur and Wilma-Possible Offspring Traits 1 and 2. This will let me know who is still confused about punnett squares.  Students will then work with each other to construct a possible offspring for Wilbur and Wilma using a penny to decide on dominant and recessive traits.  We will also watch another study strategy video from the learning scientists on interleaving.  

Wednesday, February 1, 2017


February 2nd and 3rd

CW:  Meiosis
HW:  Amoeba Sisters Meiosis Handout

Today in class we will look at some alien plant chromosomes, as we investigate the making of sex cells.  Before starting, let's review our spongebob genetics.

Punnett Squares 2.0

January 30th and 31st

CW:  Punnett Squares....again
HW:  Spongebob SquarePants Genetics

Today in class we will look at the aliens again.  You will observe dominant, recessive, and incomplete dominance and practice writing phenotypes and genotypes.  We will also work on learning our new vocabulary describing genotypes (heterozygous and homozygous).

Before we begin with the aliens, let's do a dual coding and retrieval practice on Mitosis.  Do not worry what you can or can't remember....just get down everything that comes to mind.  You might want to focus on the reason for mitosis, the phases, and draw anything you remember.