Friday, December 9, 2016

Cells R Us the Finale

This Thursday and Friday we are finishing our work on the Cells R Us project.  Here is an example of a finished write up, if you are not sure what to do.  

After students finish, they can begin their reflection piece.  It will be due next Wednesday!  Use the following sheet as your guide....reflection directions!

Monday, December 5, 2016

Cells R Us

December 20th and 21st

Today students worked on their Cells R Us projects.  The final product needs to have a written component explaining the analogy between the organelle and venue on the model.  The written piece also needs to explain how photosynthesis, cellular respiration, and cell transport happens in your model.  Final projects will need to be finished by Thursday and Friday of this week.  I will stay after school tomorrow until 5 pm for students that need extra time to work on their projects.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Cell R US

December 1st and 2nd

CW-Cells R US
HW-Project and answer questions #1,2, 4, and 6 on the 2.3 reading from yesterday

Today we worked on our CELLS R US project.  They are due next Monday or Tuesday by the end of class.